September 28


Sometimes we sit in the stands, but sometimes we make the team!

I'm honored to be one of about 100 authors invited to share their books at the 2023 Louisville Book Festival at the Kentucky International Convention Center this Nov 9 & 10. 

My book, The Light Keeper was published at the end of May and to say it has been smooth sailing would be a lie. Indie publishing is hard and the work is constant. If I want to run ads, I either need to pay someone to do it for me, or I have to set aside the time to research it, build my graphics, study my target audience, and do it myself. If I want people to know about me and my book, I have to take the time to put myself out there and talk about it. There is no one else to do it for me. The authors who become overnight successes are rare. It takes both the right timing and a lot of luck. That doesn't mean there aren't opportunities for us little authors, though!

I've been researching awards I can submit my book to and other sorts of contests. Facebook showed me an ad calling authors to submit their books for consideration to be featured at the Louisville Book Festival. Not only would it get my book in front of thousands of people far away from where I live, but it would also be an opportunity to network with other authors and attend panels to learn. I shot my shot, applied, and sent me books for consideration. In august, I received an email that I'd been among the chosen. I haven't won any awards and my books in flying off the proverbial shelves, but this felt like a win. 

Just look at my name. Someone said, "Yes." Someone said I was good enough. I am honored to attend this year's event and I can't wait to meet everyone else there. 

As someone who is used to being on the sidelines and cheering for everyone else, being chosen feels like a dream come true.

September 28, 2023


author, author c wallace, Book Fair, c wallace, Christina wallace, Festival, LBF, Louisville, Louisville Book Festival

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