June 14


I set big writing goals for myself this year and declared them to all of TikTok or all of the 30 people who watched my video. What I struggle to find with my big writing goals is balance. Part of that failure to find balance includes failure to update this blog.

When I started my website, it was meant to highlight my journey to becoming a published author. I had the book I was querying, and I shared my tips as I learned them with you, but then I skipped a step. I never received an offer of representation from an agent, but I did receive an offer of publication from a small press. I signed the first three books of my Light Keeper series with Starry Ink Press. Initially, my first book was to debut around Thanksgiving this year, but we've pushed the release to May 2023.

Part of my responsibility as a debut author is to build my following on social media. This is where I have been spending much of my non-writing time. I have been focusing on Tiktok and Twitter the most, but I am slowly adjusting to what people like to see on Instagram. Across the board, I'm not quite to 2,000 followers yet. My next step is to build my newsletter.

Behind the scenes, everything for my book is nearly ready to go. My book has passed the copy edit stage and is advancing to formatting. My custom-drawn cover art has moved on to finishing touches, and I believe any kid passing the shelf at the bookstore will want to grab a copy.

The Light Keeper isn't the only project I have in the works. I've written over 200k words so far this year. I have a paranormal romance novella I've chosen to release as episodic on Kindle Vella. You can find it
here. I've also been working on a Dystopian romance that I also plan to release on Kindle Vella.

I finished the next round of edits on the second book in my Light Keeper series and am waiting on beta reader feedback before moving on. Still, I expect to write the third book in the series for NaNoWriMo 22.

I've always seen myself as more of a children's author, but I've enjoyed writing these romance novels. For those interested, any intimate scenes I write have low spice and fade to black. There are no graphic descriptions of intimate acts in my books, and there will not be. I dabbled in it, and while I can write in that way, I decided it was not what I wished to be known for. That's not to see there's no passion, just that the specifics are up to you to imagine.

That's been my 2022 in a nutshell. I have a huge goal of 100k words for the month of June, and so far, I am on track.

I will do my best to update more regularly. If you haven't already, join me on
Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on Kindle Vella!

Thanks for joining me on my journey!

June 14, 2022


author; author c wallace; christina wallace; c wallace; writing journey; path to publication; starry ink press

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